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Indoor Wellness Retreat

Mon, Mar 16



14 days of wellness with Maya Kramer

Registration is Closed
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Indoor Wellness Retreat
Indoor Wellness Retreat

Time & Location

Mar 16, 2020, 9:00 AM – Mar 30, 2020, 11:00 AM


About The Event


A FREE 14 day retreat that will help ease stress and anxiety as well as helpful tools to get through this challenging time. Whether you are confined in your home or just need to relax and regroup, this LIVE FACEBOOK retreat program includes: * Meditation for Beginners *Guests/Experts in the field of nutrition, spirituality, anxiety, healing, sports, body movement, music etc. *Helpful tools and tasks *Making your own hand sanitizer *Breathing techniques *Yoga Postures  And you may even learn to do a handstand with/without a wall! 

The purpose of creating this retreat is to take something that may be a burden in our life and transform it into  inner-growth. So instead of feeling frustrated and confined, you will be guided to making positive changes in your life and may even enjoy the journey! How it works: Every day , I will be doing a facebook live (with the option for Q&A at the end) I will post all the times (morning hours) The videos will be available afterwards on my youtube channel:

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